Monday, August 24, 2009


so yeah i am obsessed with 2 books now..... wait scratch that..... 3 books now and i am going crazy!!!!!!!!!

  1. The Host - i love way better than twilight!!!
  2. The Hunger Games- next harry potter!
  3. Catching Fire - HG's sequel!!!!!

so obsessed with the that i might have to go to therapy for obsessive book disorder...LOL... Can't freakin wait for catching fire going to scream.... well actually screamed a thousand times........ and threw a couple pillows too...... and maybe cried just a tiny bit.....

any who.....:D 3 days til school starts!!!.......

Jena - obsessed:P

Friday, August 21, 2009

NOT GONNA BE A LONER!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

I'm not going to be a loner..... made a lot of friends!!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! How great is that??? GRRRRRREAT! he he he heh..... akward!!!! that's meeeeeeeeeeeee........:P so now I am happy YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! life is better now.....YAY....:P school starts next thurs..... actually excited for it:D got a WONDERFUL vb for school!!!!! YAY..... well I am also excited for CATCHING FIRE.... YAY ..... read hunger games and....... IT WAS AWESOME.....:D :D :D :D :D :D :D Jamie you are sooooooo right it is the next harry potter not gonna lie!!!!!!!
Jena~ happy:D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


sooooooooo yeah school starts next week...the 27th yugh.......
so yeah I'm just gonna blow this right out there I DON'T WANT TO GO TO FREAKIN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! ...... gosh..... though i did go out and buy some pretty sweet stuff..... I mean here's how I see it the first day of school is fun riiight? then the rest of them ..... just bite.... yeah and this year just bites even more because I have to go to a new school...yugh..... sure I get to see friends.... friends I don't even freakin know... but its all cool..... whatevs.... maybe I'll take up being a loner....
Veeve- The Vampire loner... go awn try and bite me I dare you...
isn't the background freakin sweet...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to get that off my chest:)

Jena - 14 baby:)